
Showing posts with the label Global Village

My village... / Moja wioska...

... is global. And in fact, this is the second "Global Village". The first one was this: ... jest globalna. Tak naprawdę, to to jest druga moja wieś. Pierwsza była ta: Many, many years ago, when I was starting in "quilting business" (read: learning about quilts, quilt history and quilt makers) I joined  a few discussion online groups. Those were the days... I met lots of great people (some of them became friends in real life too) and learned a lot. Thanks to American quilters I discovered the best fabric shops. And a lot of quilters has sent me their scraps. Thanks to internet we stayed connected on everyday basis. This first "Global Village" is the exact picture of this time - I felt like living in a small village, knowing every neibourgh, sewing with their fabrics. And connected by wires :) The size of this quiltlet is pretty small - 35 x 41 cms. Dawno, dawno temu, kiedy dopiero wchodziłam w świat quiltu (czyli: dowiadywałam się co to jest quilt...

Quick update / Szybka aktualizacja

  I know I'm quiet but I'm still busy. And, unfortunately, there's not much going on art wise. The big news is that my "Global Village" returned home after two years of travelling. Yes, I missed her :) Wiem, że straszna tu cisza, ale ciągle jestem bardzo zajęta.  I, niestety, niekoniecznie artystycznie. Jedyną większą nowinką, jest powrót mojej "Globalnej Wioski" po dwóch latach podróżowania, do domu. Tak, stęskniłam się za nią :)   And the small news is that I'm working on the new line of trees: A z mniejszych nowin to pracuję teraz nad nową serią drzew:   They will be in my shop but not yet. You are the first to see them. They are a bit bigger than the one in circles (9 x 12 cms) but still considered as small.  I have to tell you that the best part of being on etsy is meeting other artists and looking at their fantastic artwork. I decided to share with you some of my favorites. So as I'm in the tree mood today, please let me introduce the art ...