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My village... / Moja wioska...

... is global. And in fact, this is the second "Global Village". The first one was this: ... jest globalna. Tak naprawdę, to to jest druga moja wieś. Pierwsza była ta: Many, many years ago, when I was starting in "quilting business" (read: learning about quilts, quilt history and quilt makers) I joined  a few discussion online groups. Those were the days... I met lots of great people (some of them became friends in real life too) and learned a lot. Thanks to American quilters I discovered the best fabric shops. And a lot of quilters has sent me their scraps. Thanks to internet we stayed connected on everyday basis. This first "Global Village" is the exact picture of this time - I felt like living in a small village, knowing every neibourgh, sewing with their fabrics. And connected by wires :) The size of this quiltlet is pretty small - 35 x 41 cms. Dawno, dawno temu, kiedy dopiero wchodziłam w świat quiltu (czyli: dowiadywałam się co to jest quilt...