
Showing posts with the label arbuz

Magnetic post / Notka magnetyczna

Thanks for your kind words about my raspberries. As you can see, I'm not done with them yet :) To be honest, I wanted to make a raspberry magnet but when it looked more like tomato I gave up. Then came this raspberry tea, teapot magnet. And the best part is on the back: Bardzo dziękuję za miłe słowa  o malinach. Jak widzicie, jeszcze z nimi nie skończyłam :) Tak naprawdę, to chciałam zrobić malinowy magnes, ale kiedy się okazało, ze bardziej przypomina pomidora, zrezygnowałam. No to chociaż herbatka malinowa w magnesowym dzbanuszku. A najlepszy jest tył: Yes, no glue! And now it looks like collection: Tak, tak, bez kleju! No i mam już kolekcję:   I have another magnet to show but there's a story behind. Some days ago I was contacted by Abigail Thomas who made a cute post about my works on her blog . When I was looking through her pictures (on flickr, probably) I saw one with fancy cut watermelon. This gave me an idea for watermelon magnet, but now, I can't find this p...