
Showing posts with the label castle art

From barn to castle / Od stodoły do zamku

Does it look familiar to you? If not, don't worry - it took me many hours of constant working on this background until I realized that I did something like this earlier before. Czy coś Wam to przypomina? Jeśli nie, to nic nie szkodzi - mnie potrzeba było wielu godzin pracy nad tym tłem, zanim uświadomiłam sobie, że kiedyś już coś podobnego szyłam. Yes, I mean my "Old Barn" (see it HERE ). I found it pretty funny that I use the same filling for the background no matter if it is a barn or a castle. Tak, mam na myśli "Starą stodołę" (zobaczcie TUTAJ ). Wydało mi się to bardzo zabawne, że w podobny sposób wypełniam tło, niezależnie od tego czy to stodoła czy zamek. Even if it is "The Golden Castle": Nawet jeśli to "Złoty zamek": But the best part was yet to come. Ale najlepsze było jeszcze przede mną. When the castle was almost done, it downed on me that some years ago I received a beautiful wooden frame made out of ... old ba

The tale of many castles / Bajka o zamkach

No, it isn't a new castle inspired by my short vacations. In fact, the castle is rather old and you may know it very well. Nie, to nie jest nowy zamek inspirowany moim krótkim urlopem. Zamek jest stary i pewnie go dobrze znacie.  It happens quite often that I use castles as the element of Medieval landscapes. But some weeks ago I was asked to make a small artwork with the castle as the main and only thing. My customer knew very well what she wanted and was very specific about the details. It was quite a challenge for me to be sure that I get her correctly. So it took many emails and pictures exchanges, many questions and answers and... many ideas for castle art were born as a side projects. My customer wanted her castle for the boy's room. This gave me the first impuls to invent a castle for the girl's room :) Często używam zamków jako elementu średniowiecznego krajobrazu. Ale kilka tygodni temu dostałam zamówienie na zamek sam w sobie. Moja klien