Another year / Kolejny rok
Another year passed away and I didn't even notice. My birthday is tomorrow so the quilt has to be shown again. But this time with no new additions :( The Year of Rabbit was really meaningful for me. Many unexpected things happened and they changed my life. Fortunately everything went quiet and peaceful, just as a rabbit. One of the unsatisfying things from the last year was a small development in the art area. So I made a resolution for myself to change it this year. I'm still busy with etsy but decided to find some moments every week for "the real stuff". It's a must. Even with small steps I will go forward, right? So I started with adding small amounts of stiches to the old WIPs: Kolejny rok minął i prawie tego nie zauważyłam. Jutro moje urodziny, więc trzeba wyciągnąć urodzinowy quilt. Ale tym razem bez nowych dodatków :( Rok Królika był dla mnie bardzo znaczący. Wydarzyło się wiele nieoczekiwanych rzeczy, które zmieniły moje życie. Na szczęście wszystko pr...