
Showing posts with the label radish

Spring is coming to the kitchen

With the sun going higher and the days getting longer gotta look for the signs of spring in the kitchen. Little birds say that "Spring is coming to the kitchen" is my newest kitchen portrait in stitches. It is 46 x 57 cm big and contains all kinds of spring surprises. Fresh milk and eggs with the promise of new life accompanied by colorful morning chorus. Clean plates are blooming and fresh water brings much needed vital energy. First greens appear everywhere slowly taking the kitchen space of. Even the old wooden floor can't resist as if trying to connect with sweet blooming memories... So good to see you back, dear Spring! Make yourself at home and stay as long as you wish.

Back to the roots! / Do korzeni!

If you remember my old carrots you are not surprised that when I saw THIS picture I had an iinstant idea for a quilt: Jeżeli pamiętacie jeszcze moje marchewki , to nie zdziwi Was, że patrząc na TO zdjęcie od razu miałam pomysł na quilt: Well, it's rather a quiltlet but anyway :) No, raczej quiltcik, ale jednak :) Despite the fact that winter is still here, I'm longing for spring food. Mimo, że ciągle jeszcze mamy zimę, bardzo tęsknię już za wiosennym jedzeniem. That's why I find playing with roots in textiles so fulfilling :) Dlatego chętnie bawię się korzonkami w tkaninie :) It was really funny to make this humble parsley on rich, silk jacquard. Again - it's very difficult to photograph. The piece is pretty long and the silk is shinning like a crazy. Bardzo spodobał mi się pomysł umieszczenia skromnej pitruszki na bogatym, jedwabnym żakardzie. I znowu - trudno zrobić temu dobre zdjęcie. Pietrucha jest raczej długa, a jedwab błyszczy się jak s...