Plant a tree / Posadź drzewo
Yes, it is tree time here! And testing new idea of professional framing my small textile artworks. Just look: Tak, czas na drzewa! I próby nowego sposobu ekspozycji małych form - profesjonalna oprawa. Tylko spójrzcie: This Silver Tree is about 12 x 13 cm (5 x 5.5 in) heavily quilted, embroidered and beaded. And now see this little jewel framed: To Srebrne Drzewo ma ok. 12 x 13 cm i jest dość intensywnie pikowane, haftowane i jeszcze koralikowane. A teraz zobaczcie ten klejnocik oprawiony: Shining like a star, right? It is available for sale HERE with definitely more to come :) It has to be something in the air for trees because at my last workshop this past Saturday I was asked to carry the one about trees. That's sounds perfect - I love making trees and it feels good to share my ideas with the students. As for the students - see the houses they created last Saturday: Błyszczy niczym gwiazda, prawda? Jest już do kupienia TUTAJ i na pewno za nim pójdą inne :) Musi by...