Quilting in Poland / Patchwork po polsku

Once upon a time (in 2000 to be exact) a nice feature about Polish quilter has been published in "The Quilting Quarterly", the journal of American National Quilting Association. With the funny subtitle "A band of one". No, I didn't ever consider myself as the only quilter in Poland, I just didn't know any. And I put here these big pictures of this article not only to show you my early works
I also want  you to read yourself what "quilting scene" in Poland looked like 16 years ago.
There was no scene at all :)
And now I'm writing this post while two of my works are hanging in the National Patchwork exhibition in Szczecin - . We came here with small steps. Starting with the very first, small exhibition in Kraków
through Berlin
to this
And this is just a small part of still growing group of Polish quilters. It took 16 years from literally nothing to quite a lot - fabric shops, quilt groups, School of Patchwork, workshops, quilting blogs, exhibitions and (soon to be)... the real guild!


Carmina said…
Danka K said…
Bożena - piękne dzięki za ten kawałek historii - paradoksalnie także mojego życia: mogłyśmy się poznać osobiście już 15 lat temu w Strasbourgu! Szukając polskich quilterek w Internecie, znalazłam cię 5 lat później, a dopiero po 7 latach, współorganizując te pierwsza ogolnopolska wystawe, mogłam cię spotkać przed Krakowem. W Berlinie już razem wraz Ania i Kasia byłyśmy opiekunkami wystawy 10 Polek z całej Polski (której byłam kuratorka). Teraz naprawdę żałuję, ze nie mogę zobaczyć tej wystawy w Szczecinie i ze nie mogłam spotkać na jej otwarciu wielu polskich quilterek, które znam z Berlina oraz wirtualnie. Gratuluję z całego serca!!!
Claire Passmore said…
Wow, my hearty congratulations to you, Bozena and to the other members of Patchwork Po Polsku. You deserve to be very proud of your achievements as well as your beautiful work. Best wishes
Jackie PN said…
Congratulations to you and your quilting sisters Bozena!! How wonderful to have come to this place where you are now, such a long journey for something that has been a part of many cultures forever! I am so happy that you have shared this article with us! thank you, my friend!
Much continued success and best wishes on becoming an official guild!
Sue McQ said…
Hi B
You always brighten my day!
Sue McQ in IL
Cathy Daniel said…
Hey well done you! You are a real trail-blazer! And your piece in that magazine is brilliant! You deserve all this and more Bozena. So happy for you! x

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