The Poet is finished! / Poetka skończona!

Are you ready? Here she is - finished! Jesteście gotowi? Oto ona - skończona! "Poet in the kitchen" in her full glory. She is 60 x 74cm big and a bit tricky for photographing. "Poetka w kuchni" w pełnej okazałości. Ma 60 x 74cm i oczywiście trudno jej zrobić zdjęcie. The last weeks of working on her were really intensive. And of course no "in the process" pictures - I had to stay focused on just sewing. Ostatnie tygodnie pracy nad nią były bardzo intensywne. I oczywiście żadnych zdjęć "w trakcie" - musiałam być bardzo skoncentrowana na samym szyciu. I have to confess that I like her very much. In fact it is exactly the picture I saw while reading the poem by Dorota Kiersztejn Pakulska . So to remind the poem and the beginning of the whole story - look HERE . And on the side note - what should I say when asked "how long it takes to make the work like this"? Przyznam szczerze, że bardzo jestem z niej zadowolona. To je...