White stuff / Na całej połaci śnieg

If I want to be honest I have to say that this piece is pretty boring in the working. To entertain myself I added the blue scrap and am covering it with white threads. Oh well, but that's what I wanted. Now, when our world is covered with the snow again I feel more motivated. The quietness and peace coming with the snow make me to enjoy my landscape again :)
Jeśli mam być szczera, to muszę przyznać, że praca nad tą tkaniną jest raczej nudna. Żeby ją sobie urozmaicić dodałam niebieskie kwiatki i teraz przykrywam je białymi nićmi. No ale sama tego chciałam. Na szczęście spadł świeży śnieg i trochę mnie zmotywował. Ta cisza i spokój świata przykrytego śniegiem sprawiają, że od razu mój pejzaż zaczyna mi się znowu podobać :)


Lin said…
A lovely piece of work. Everything slows down when it snows doesn't it. I find it so calming. We have had none so far this year but there is still time!
dosankodebbie said…
I live in Hokkaido, which is covered in a thick blanket of snow for about six months of the year. I've started appreciating the color pallet a bit more in recent years, though. The black silhouettes of the tree trunks and branches against the snow-covered hills looks like black thread embroidery on white fabric. Or a sumi-ink painting. The way you try to express a winter landscape with quilting is fascinating.

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