Easter time / Wielkanoc

Regardless your beliefs - here comes the time of rebirth and the beginning of new life. Spring in nature and Easter in Polish tradition. Happy Easter!
Niezależnie od tego, co myślimy -  nadszedł czas odrodzenia i początku nowego życia. Wiosna w naturze i Wielkanoc w naszej tradycji. Wesołych Świąt!


Krystyna said…
Wesołej Wielkanocy!
Debbie said…
Very sweet! Happy Easter, Bozena.
Unknown said…
С Праздником! С Новой жизнью!
Małgorzata said…
Wszystkiego dobrego!
Sue McQ said…
Easter blessings to you and yours dear friend. Think of you often. Made pierogi (cheese filling) from scratch yesterday. Researching my family ancestry on Mom's side: so far, Polish and Austrian.
Jackie PN said…
blessing and a Happy Eastertide to you my dear friend!
Jackie xoxo
Cathy Daniel said…
Hope you had a lovely Easter Bozena! I just love love love your Spring piece below! So wonderfully bright and beautiful! xCathy

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