
Showing posts with the label owoce

Summer table??? / Letni stół???

No, it isn't scrumbled egg with herbs and peppers... Nie, to nie jajecznica z ziołami i papryczką... It is something I wanted to look like a plate full of fruit :) To coś, co miało wyglądać jak talerz pełen owoców :) To say I'm disapointed is not enough :( I don't like the plates, I don't like fruit. And, as you can see, I put a great amount of work into it. Bummer... Powiedzieć, że jestem rozczarowana, to nic nie powiedzieć :( Nie podobają mi się talerze, nie podobają owoce. A, jak widzicie, sporo pracy w nie włożyłam. Skucha...   No, I don't give up. But have to think a bit more before the second try :) The side effect of these tables is that I not only eat fruit permanently but also think about them a lot. Do you remember my wild strawberries ? Nie, nie rezygnuję. Ale muszę się głębiej zastanowić przed kolejną próbą :) A efektem ubocznym tych letnich stołów jest to, że nie tylko ciągle jem owoce, ale też dużo o nich myślę. Pamiętacie moje poziomki ?   They fou...

Rant / Marudzenie

If you think that handwork isn't tiring you are wrong. It is. Jeżeli myślicie, że ręczna robota nie jest męcząca to jesteście w błędzie. Jest. I like all the ideas coming to my mind while working on details but to make them into reality is a separate chapter. Lubię te wszystkie świetne pomysły, które przychodzą mi do głowy w trakcie dłubania szczególików, ale zrealizować je to zupełnie osobny rozdział. Let's take this raspberry. Wouldn't it be fun to have the whole border full of them? Weźmy taką malinkę. Nie byłoby fajnie mieć ich mnóstwo w całym obramowaniu? No, thank you :) So now I'm dreaming about making a new piece entirely by machine... And I know I want to make another kitchen. This time in browns. But it is difficult to start something new while you are so much involved in all these small things not-done-yet. I would prefer to have all the previous works finished, collected in the baskets with a nice feeling of a good harvest. Just like in this old work of mine...

Vegetable animal / Warzywne zwierzę

While working on the "Market" I keep reading and watching lots of interesting veggie-oriented materials. Now I have to share with you my latest discovery. Pracując nad "Rynkiem" czytam i oglądam mnóstwo rzeczy o tematyce warzywno-owocowej. I muszę podzielic się z Wami moim najnowszym odkryciem. Isn't he lovely? And there's another one: Czyż nie jest słodki? I ma kolegę: And there's a story behind them. Vegetabull is a common work of Le Witt and Him tandem, two graphic designers working together in 1930's. I must confess, that their names said nothing to me. So imagine my surprise when it turned out that George Him was born in my city, Lodz. And he illustrated some iconic Polish children poems by Julian Tuwim "The Turnip", "The Birds' Broadcast" and " Locomotive " - this one was known by heart by few generations of kids. But he did much more than this. He was a well known graphic designer with very impressive body o...

My market / Mój rynek

The very first vegetables and fruit arrived at my market. And the first booth is almost done :) Pierwsze warzywa i owoce już na mój rynek dotarły. I pierwsze stoisko jest już prawie gotowe :)