Beetroots / Buraki

After few days of studying Benary's plate (not to mention looking at it for the whole December) this is what I came up with.

Oto rezultat kilkudniowego studiowania buraczanej planszy Benary'ego (o patrzeniu na nią przez cały grudzień nawet nie wspominam).

I decided for one big bulb with a crown of leaves and a variety of different types of beets in pieces. This allows me to show the idea of a beet in a very simple way.

Zdecydowałam się na jedną dużą buraczaną bulwę z koroną liści i różne ich odmiany w przekrojach. Ot i cała "idea buraka" gotowa.

As for now I appliqued the big bulb, parts of leaves and some pieces.

Na razie naaplikowałam dużą bulwę, częściowo liście i niektóre plasterki.

You think that the leaves look a bit strange? Not so "beetsy"? Just wait for the quilting...

Myślicie, że te liście trochę dziwne? Niezbyt "buraczane"? Poczekajcie na pikowanie...


Vera Fonseca said…
Boa Noite Bozena! Feliz por conhecer o trabalho
DE UMA Patricia de meu amado paizinho.Vendo seus trabalhos me reportei ao meu tempo de criança, quando ele (pai) comigo em seus joelhos
Falava da sua amada Pátria Polônia.Seus um tra -
balhos retratam exatamente o que ele me contava.Eu me chamo Vera Saldat Fonseca, tenho 62 anos e moro, em Limeira no blog um bjbj grande seu coração.

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