Little Quiet Village / Mała Cicha

Who wouldn't like to live in a little village? Me :) I'm a city girl which doesn't mean that I don't like little villages - I love them! This new work is a proof.
Kto by nie chciał mieszkać w uroczej, cichej wioseczce? Ja :) Jestem zdecydowanie miejska, ale nie przeszkadza mi to lubić takich wiosek, wręcz przeciwnie - uwielbiam je! A oto dowód;

Many years ago while coming from Germany we drove through some magic villages, with very specific architecture. I remembered the name of the area and some years later we went there to see more.
Wiele lat temu, wracając z Niemiec przejeżdżaliśmy przez takie magiczne wioski, z bardzo specyficzną architekturą. Zapamiętałam nazwę tego regionu i kilka lat później pojechaliśmy tam, żeby zobaczyć więcej.
You see what I mean? All the roofs look like knitted Nordic pullovers. This is the Eastern part of Germany called Lusatia. I was more than sure that one day I will use this idea in my artwork.
Widzicie, co miałam na myśli? Wszystkie dachy jak norweskie swetry w drobne wzorki. To Łużyce. Byłam pewna, że pewnego dnia wykorzystam to w swej twórczości.
This piece is now available in my shop (the real thing) or in printed form (they have bags and pillows now!) here :)
And I took some pictures to show you how I made the trees - a bit differently than usual:
Praca jest do nabycia w moim sklepie (oryginał) albo w postaci drukowanej (polecam zwłaszcza poduszkę!) tutaj :)
A tu jeszcze kilka zdjęć, żeby pokazać jak zrobiłam drzewka, bo nieco inaczej niż zwykle:
Yes, the light circles are trees.
Tak, te jasne kółka to drzewa.
The rest was done with beads :)
A reszta to już koraliki :)


Ruminianka said…
Piękne te twoje prace, orginalne i niepowtarzalne coś pięknego.Pozdrawiam ruminianka
Unknown said…
Charming and beautiful, Bozena. I love seeing how it all came together, and the detail work is exquisite.4809
Jackie PN said…
Fabulous Bozena! I love your comment about the Nordic sweaters- you are so right!! They do look like that! heehee You are so talented my friend- I just subscribed by email so I wont miss a post! xoxo
Wonderful as ever! I love villages but am about to move to a BIG city after country living for 15 years! I have spent ages reading your last 6 posts (how am I missing them??). You have been busy! The Orchard mug is the same as mine and I have the whole dinner service!! 'Wedgwood Eden'. So now I have to have some of your work! xCathy
Claire said…
I am inspired by your work, Bozena - you use such a lovely selection of fabrics in a very creative way. I look forward to following you.
bernadette86LRP said…
de beaux ouvrages! bravo!

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