The next one / Następne

Sorry, I would like to make a new post with some fresh news in it. But I can't help - I'm totally twisted on those small pieces. And now, as I have a few already, I started playing with them.
Przykro mi, chciałabym zrobić nowy post z jakimś świeżym projektem. Ale nic nie poradzę - zakręciłam się na tych drobiazgach. A teraz, kiedy mam ich już kilka, zaczęłam się nimi bawić.
You remember when I said "an orchard"...
Pamiętacie, jak mówiłam "sad"...
No, it's not my goal to cover the whole wall with them... But this could be great :)
Nie, nie jest moim celem pokrycie całej ściany... Chociaż byłoby to cudowne :)


makneta said…
Bardzo oryginalne i prześliczne.
Anonymous said…
Forma, kolory, temat...nie ma się do czego przyczepić :)). Razem wyglądają zjawiskowo. Pzdr Anna
No bardzo jesteście miłe, dziękuję!
Anonymous said…
Hi Bozena,
what a great start to a series, these really look like they will develop into an whole orchard and they could become a complete seasonal orchard - think of your wall changing colour through the seasons - starting in autumn with the glowing fruit then the bleak tormented winter trees with lovely latticed branches in blacks and white; the rebirth of spring with fresh lime greens and the blossoms and then the summer greens - heavy summer greens - and then the fruits - I did ask you once about the scale of your work - and so this is a way to develop a large scale piece of work - we say "piecemeal"in English - food for thought?
Hi Janet,
Yes, it is a GREAT idea. What I like in working on those trees is that every single one gives me lots of possibilities to develop. "Four seasons" put together would be interesting too, right? And what is interesting, until your comment I didn't think about it as a large scale work, even if I saw the whole wall covered. Thanks for your creative input.
Kaśka said…
A zobaczywszy drzewka w komplecie poprostu oniemiałam. Cudne!!! Jesteś bardzo pomysłową i kreatywną Kobietą.

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