Among the dirty plates... / Wśród brudnych talerzy...

Yes, that's how dirty plates look like in a poet's kitchen.
Tak, tak właśnie wyglądają brudne talerze w kuchni poetki.
 Don't even ask me how I know how the piled, undone dishes look like...
I nawet nie pytajcie, skąd wiem jak wygląda stos niezmytych naczyń...
But there's something else...
Ale jest tu coś jeszcze...
Yes, you guessed it right - it is the dirty square of the window :)
Tak, zgadliście - to brudny kwadrat okna :)


potterjotter said…
They look prettier than the dirty plates in my kitchen at the moment! Just read the poem - quite lovely - shall think of it every time I prepare cabbage!
This poem sticks very well to every receipe :)
Anonymous said…
Lovely work; but such a sad poem.

Shirl x
It's not that sad for me. It's more like a warning "don't force the poet to cook a dinner when she should write a poem!" unless you want some hemlock, of course :)
Bo said…
Och zeby moje brudne gary wygladaly tak poetycko ;)

sama farbowalas tkanine na okno?? czym?
A ja myślałam, że wszystkie brudne gary tak wyglądają... :)

Tkanina okienna komercyjna, z metra, ja tak farbować nie umiem, niestety.

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