As you can see, eggs' decoration is slowly going along. But the more I'm thinking about eggs the more new ideas come to my mind. Sometimes I feel like in the Medieval Egg Dance - dancing among the eggs laid on the floor and trying to damage as few as possible.
Jak widzicie dekoracja jaj powoli postępuje. Ale im więcej o jajach myślę, tym więcej nowych pomysłów przychodzi mi do głowy. Czasami czuję się jak w tym średniowiecznym Tańcu Jaj - tańcząc wśród jaj leżących na podłodze i starając się żadnego nie uszkodzić.So I started a small project, with eggs but this time not painted. Unfortunately the side effect of this project is another group of... painted eggs :) It would be a pity to waste them so I catched them into the card :)
No więc zaczęłam taki mały projekt, z jajami, ale tym razem niemalowanymi. Niestety, efektem ubocznym tego projektu jest kolejna grupa... malowanych jaj. Szkoda było ich zmarnować, więc uszyłam z nich kartkę :)This time I put it into the frame.
I nawet je oprawiłam.
BTW, do you remember my initial "B" (for the beets)?
I made it into card and framed too :)
A propos, pamiętacie mój inicjał "B" (jak buraki)?Zrobiłam z niego kartkę i też oprawiłam :)
Sometimes things are simply overwhelming... I can only guess that keeping balance for this little hen is quite a challenge. But she keeps her face straight. The amount of dishes is truly impressive. To dive or not to dive? Maybe just looking will do the job? But the water seems so joyful and friendly... So maybe, just maybe, all the troubles will turn out to be manageable? Courage, little hen!
With the sun going higher and the days getting longer gotta look for the signs of spring in the kitchen. Little birds say that "Spring is coming to the kitchen" is my newest kitchen portrait in stitches. It is 46 x 57 cm big and contains all kinds of spring surprises. Fresh milk and eggs with the promise of new life accompanied by colorful morning chorus. Clean plates are blooming and fresh water brings much needed vital energy. First greens appear everywhere slowly taking the kitchen space of. Even the old wooden floor can't resist as if trying to connect with sweet blooming memories... So good to see you back, dear Spring! Make yourself at home and stay as long as you wish.
Do you remember my mysterious "Old Garden" ? Now I call it finished! Next time when I start something like this, please remind me that it is not the fastest kind of work :) Pamiętacie mój tajemniczy "Stary Ogród" ? Uważam go za skończony! A następnym razem, jak się wezmę za coś takiego, przypomnijcie mi proszę, że to nie jest ekspresowa robótka :) But I have to confess - I love it! And I'm really glad that I made it. Ale przyznaję - uwielbiam go! I bardzo się cieszę, że zrobiłam coś takiego. I'm going to frame it professionally and put on a honorable place on the wall. With the pieces like this it is impossible to sell it - there's no money I would prefer to keep instead of this magical garden. It's not just the matter of the amount of time spent on this. It is more about my thoughts, some ideas and their execution, it is so much "me". Mam zamiar dać go do oprawy, a potem powiesić na honorowym miejscu. Takie rzeczy nie nada...