Makeover / Przemeblowanie
On Sunday my daughter was kind enough to give me some big critique on my shop :) So I've spend the day exchanging pictures (like the one above into the one below)
W niedzielę, moja córka była tak uprzejma, żeby skrytykować mój sklepik :) I tak spędziłam dzień na wymianie zdjęć (na przykład tego powyżej na to poniżej)
hiring the model :)
zatrudnieniu modelki :)
and adding new hens
i dodawaniu nowych kur
So now it's just waiting for the big sales :) Thank you, Dear Daughter!
Czyli teraz pozostaje już tylko czekanie na wielki strumień sprzedaży :) Wielkie dzięki, Kochana Córeczko!
The hard part is that usually they are right. I wouldn't agree for any changes if I didn't think they are ok.
nice to see you here :)
My daughter has her own teapot (same size, different colours) and I couldn't imagine what does she keep there - phone and keys, wallet and stuff. Ans she was also surprised :) chuyên cung cấp máy đưa võng với dòng máy đưa võng ts đảm bảo là sản phẩm tốt nhất cho bé.