Makeover / Przemeblowanie

On Sunday my daughter was kind enough to give me some big critique on my shop :) So I've spend the day exchanging pictures (like the one above into the one below)
W niedzielę, moja córka była tak uprzejma, żeby skrytykować mój sklepik :) I tak spędziłam dzień na wymianie zdjęć (na przykład tego powyżej na to poniżej)
hiring the model :)
zatrudnieniu modelki :)
and adding new hens 
 i dodawaniu nowych kur
So now it's just waiting for the big sales :) Thank you, Dear Daughter!
 Czyli teraz pozostaje już tylko czekanie na wielki strumień sprzedaży :) Wielkie dzięki, Kochana Córeczko!


potterjotter said…
Don't let our daughters get together - they are too much alike in their critique of our 'efforts'.
Well, the time has come to take the revenge on us :)
The hard part is that usually they are right. I wouldn't agree for any changes if I didn't think they are ok.
Jenny Woolf said…
I love the little birds. They look traditional and folksy. I also love the teapot handbag, because I love to drink tea. But I'm not sure what I would keep in the spout! :) (a pen, maybe?)
Hi Jenny,
nice to see you here :)

My daughter has her own teapot (same size, different colours) and I couldn't imagine what does she keep there - phone and keys, wallet and stuff. Ans she was also surprised :)
Morning wiser than the evening - well, I just realised what the spout is. You wouldn't put even a pencil there - it's closed from both sides :)
Kangala said…
So you have lots of work:) I have also started to makeover my shop, but I am not satisfied yet:)
Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information! chuyên cung cấp máy đưa võng với dòng máy đưa võng ts đảm bảo là sản phẩm tốt nhất cho bé.

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